List of basic DplotXYServer commands |
Command |
Example of usage |
Graph_Title : <Title> |
Graph_Title :MAL_raw_results |
Path_to_data : <Regular path> |
Path_to_data :J:\TMP\Polietilen\TGA_RawData\ |
X_axis title/units : Text, units |
X_axis_title/units :Time, min |
YLeft_axis title/units : Text, units |
YLeft_axis_title/units : Weight, mg |
YRight_axis title/units : Text, units |
YRight_axis_title/units : dW/dt, mg/min |
Number_of_columns_X_column_number: Columns count, column used for X axis. |
Number_of_columns_X_column_number :5, 3 … Data file contains 5 columns of numbers, the third column is used as X-axis. |
Y_column_numbers : numbers for columns which should be plotted separated by a comma. |
Y_column_numbers :4,2,5,1 Y columns could be in any order, but curves number increase from left to right; ie. 4 is curve 1, 2 is curve 2, 5 is curve 3 etc. |
YLeftC: numbers for columns which are associated with the left Y axes separated by a comma. |
YLeftC:2,5 |
YRightC: numbers for columns which are associated with the right Y axes separated by a comma. |
YLeftScale:M, LowLimit, HighLimit YLeftScale:A, LowLimit, HighLimit
YLeftScale:M,25,105 OR YLeftScale:A,0,0 - letter A means automatic selection of axes limits while M stands for manual selection. |
YRightScale: <sama as above> |
XScale: <sama as above> |
All Scale selections should be either A or M. In the case of M Scale DPlot will automatically adjust YRightScale to enable creation of grid lines which coincide with the YLeftScale thick markers. |
Line_width_default: basic graph lines, width of lines. |
Set line widths as follows: -3, 20: width of intermediate grids 20/1000 inch, -2, 35: set width for all curves to 35/1000 inch, -1, 35 width of coordinate system 35/1000 inch, 0, 30 width of grid lines and thick marks 30/1000 inch. |
CallPlot: |
Without any parameters, instructs DPlot to open plot area. |
Y1_legend: Text, number1, number2, number3 Text for legend of graph’s first curve number1: Line Type 1 – solid 2 – dash 3 – dot 4 - dash-dot 5 – short dash 0 - no lines. number2: Symbol Code(numbers within brackets stands for filled symbols) 5 (261)– square, 6 (262)– diamond, 7 (263) up triangle, 8 (264)– octagone, 9 (265) down triangle, 32 (288)– circle, 0 – no symbol. number3: Color |
Y1_legend: 5 K/min,0,0,3 Y2_legend:10 K/min,0,0,3 etc |
DATA_F : <name of data file> ====>
DATA_F : <name of data file> : number
Normal use: DATA_F :MAL_PE_05EE.dat Data reduction: DATA_F :MAL_PE_05EE.dat :12 Only each 12th point will be transferred to DPlot. |